I am a junior in the Computer Sciences at the California State University, Long Beach; pursuing an undergraduate degree. I am majoring in Computer Science. I am interested in exploring the fields of Software Engineering, Data Science, and Machine Learning, and I am open to opportunities for the same.
SnapSpot is an interactive web app for exploring and documenting locations, allowing users to share photos and descriptions. Built with the MERN stack, it features a user-friendly interface, secure authentication, and real-time notifications. Integrated with Google Maps API, it provides dynamic location-based content.
Check it out!Designed and Developed a Maze Solver Game using Python; Combined use of Classes, Objects, 2D array, Data Structures, Inheritance, and Polymorphism through Object-oriented programming in Python. The user must solve the maze from the starting point 's' to the finish line 'f' by moving up, down, left, or right to move through the maze.
Check it out!Using Python's Object-oriented programming language, we designed and created a real-world Pokémon game that combined Classes, Objects, Data Structures, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. IntelliJ, where the user selects a starting Pokémon, then constructs a Map and a Trainer object. The user can buy Points, and Poke Balls, and enter Pokémon Hospital to fight with another Pokémon.
Check it out!Developed a system using Data Structures in Python (Stacks, Queues, Lists, Deques, Linked-Lists, and Hash-Tables) and Visual Studio Code that allows users to search any book from the library database, add, remove, and replace it in the shopping cart and eventually buying it.
Check it out!